REZUM : A Revolutionary Treatment for BPH
Jul 11, 2024

REZUM is a minimally invasive treatment that uses the natural thermal energy stored in water vapor (steam) to shrink excess prostate tissue causing BPH. Unlike other surgical options, REZUM does not require general anesthesia, lengthy hospital stays, or extended recovery periods. This outpatient procedure is gaining popularity due to its effectiveness and minimal side effects.

Benefits of REZUM

*Minimally Invasive*: REZUM is performed without any incisions, significantly reducing the risks associated with traditional surgery.
*Quick Recovery*: Most patients return to their normal activities within a few days, making it a convenient option for those with busy lifestyles.
*Effective Symptom Relief*: Clinical studies have shown that REZUM effectively reduces BPH symptoms, improving urinary flow and overall quality of life.
*Preservation of Sexual Function*: Unlike some surgical options, REZUM has a low risk of sexual side effects such as erectile dysfunction and retrograde ejaculation.
*Outpatient Procedure*: The procedure is done on an outpatient basis, eliminating the need for extended hospital stays.

What to Expect After REZUM

*Immediate Post-Procedure*: Patients may experience mild discomfort, frequent urination, or blood in the urine for a short period after the procedure. These symptoms typically resolve within a few days.
*Catheter Use*: Some patients may need a catheter for a few days post-procedure to aid in urination while the prostate heals.
*Gradual Improvement*: Symptom relief is not immediate. It usually begins to be noticeable within a few weeks as the body absorbs the treated tissue and continues to improve over several months.
*Follow-Up*: Regular follow-up appointments with the urologist ensure the procedure's success and monitor the patient’s recovery.


REZUM represents a significant advancement in the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Its minimally invasive nature, combined with effective symptom relief and quick recovery times, offers a promising alternative to traditional BPH treatments. For men seeking relief from the bothersome symptoms of an enlarged prostate without the drawbacks of major surgery, REZUM provides a revolutionary and appealing option. As technology continues to evolve, treatments like REZUM are paving the way for a future where managing BPH is simpler, safer, and more effective.